Sunday, August 19, 2012


So I got up early this morning and dragged my sorry butt to the gym...only to find that my trainer was on vacation!!! I was really bummed! So I ho-hummed on the elliptical, for, say 15 minutes and went home. It's all right, though, I'm taking my puppy to the Pacific Electric Trail tonight for a brisk walk. ^_^

Anyway, I'm in week 3 (4? I'm going to stop counting now) of my "Get Fit" goal. I'm down from 156 to 147.8 since I've returned from Seattle (about a month ago). I've been trying to keep up with a diet and exercise plan, which has helped me tremendously.
I'm finally getting used to the routine of hitting the gym. I'm noticing a fantastic boost in my mood and I love going for the social aspect, which I desperately need after a summer of working crazy hours.
Speaking of crazy hours, I have just completed my last 50-hour week for the summer, and next week I'll be heading to San Diego for my stepsister Janelle's wedding. This means a weeee bit of clothes shopping before the big weekend and DUN DUN DUN....School starting.

I thought I would post a few pictures of my ways of staying "organized", because I have a very busy and full life with lots of room for to-do lists.
 So this is my basic armory, and I carry the bottom three around in my laptop bag on a daily basis.
 I have a month/day calendar, in which I hand-write to-do lists. I was really skeptical at first of using this method, because it seemed kind of difficult to make function, but when I decided to set some time aside for it, it really helps me stay organized and remember appointments. Also, I divide the day into columns. One half is the to-do list, and the other half is a food journal, so I can know to balance meals when I have, say, and off day.
 This (sideways) picture, is my Moleskine, my life in a hardbound little journal. When I'm not blogging, or when I need some personal writing time, this is my go-to. It's really helped me manage my stress over the past years (this is my third one) and I can put down my thoughts and ideas when I don't have a computer nearby. It's also great to look back on the hard times and see how far I've come.

 I carry my bible with me wherever I go. Yes. I am that person. No, I won't apologize for it.
 Something I don't use as much now that we're back with the parents for the next 6 months, is my "Life Management" notebook. This covers anything from my personal finance papers, where I store my bills, receipts, calendars, chore lists and recipes. I will be utilizing this once again in December when we are back on our own.
Ahhh French Press, I could not live without. Not really an organizing tool, but the fuel behind the madness. As much as I am a Starbucks fan, there is nothing like home-made coffee. And I make GOOD coffee!

I think one of my biggest pieces of advice to staying organized is making time out of your day (and week) to focus on what needs to be done. My day for this is Monday, usually in the mornings. I also have about an hour and a half each day before I start work (I carpool with Kurt) in which I take the time to organize my thoughts, read, write, and plan for the day/week.
If you must know, I work twelve hour shifts, 7am-7pm, I am up at 4am every day to be in Covina by 5:30. It took a while to get used to the long hours and commutes (I have a 45-minute train ride home). But after doing it for two years, it's become a functioning part of my schedule. I actually enjoy it (once I get past the part of hating my alarm clock...)

So happy Sunday everyone, it's going to be a great action-packed week! I'll keep in touch and hopefully be able to stay organized.

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