Saturday, September 15, 2012

Lazy Saturday!

Guess what? Yup, my shift has been cancelled today, my plans to work today have been foiled. Who wants to work on a Saturday anyway? (*tears* boo to less $$$)

So I really really REALLY didn’t want to go to the gym this morning. It was more like: “hey, look, it’s 9am and I’m awake” and then it turned into: “At 10 my gym class starts, but I won’t go because I said I wasn’t going to go” and then it turned into an internal guilt trip “Aw, man, if I don’t go, I’m just going to sit around the house and eat. And sleep.”

Normally, old Holly would be okay with this sort of thing, but new Holly, (the new and improved fitness-freak) shakes her finger and “tsk tsks” at the lazy, fat kid on the inside. So I put on my workout clothes and walked around in them for an hour before I motivated myself to go (after three or four YouTube videos, of course!)

I started off with my “neon pink” watermelon sports drink to get me going.


I’m glad I went. I would have felt really bad if I didn’t go. And now that I’m back from the store and gym and cooking breakfast/lunch, I’m ready for a day of relaxation.


After getting my issue of “Whole Living” yesterday and reading it cover to cover, I dreamed about their “Beet Hash with Eggs” all night long. I was hoping I would get cancelled just because I wanted hash browns and eggs. Is that bad?

I blame you, Whole Living, for messing with the powers that be that lead to me not working today.

Breakfast/Lunch (it was about 1pm by the time I got home to finish this madness) was amazing and totally what I’ve been craving for the past two weeks (but the darned cafeteria doesn’t have hash browns!)

I ate every last bite!!!

It was really good and pretty simple to make, and we had most of the ingredients in our pantry, I just had to run out and get the beets. Once I find the link for the recipe, I will post it here.

I also topped it off with a Pumpkin Spice French press coffee.

My warm pumpkin coffee, and yes, I am aware how HOT it is outside.

My strategy for fall is to FORCE it to be cold by ignoring the heat and pretending it’s cold. Today, I’m going to crochet my scarf and stick my tongue out at the weather. Smile with tongue out



“Greek-goddess” crazy workout hair.

That is all.


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