Calm down, people, just wait ten minutes, the sun will be back…promise!
Happy Wednesday everyone!
I’m happy to admit I’m in a more cheerful mood today, because I had a GREAT three-day (four-day?) holiday weekend. I got LOTS of sleep that I have been missing so sorely during the summer, (not to mention it’s cooled down TEN degrees!) Fall is here! Break out the Pumpkin Spice Lattes!
(No, seriously, I’ve had three since they came out this week…)
So on the agenda for today is a (VERY) late lunch and more studying of the bone structures. Apparently I was the only person in my class who thought the Bucky Skeleton was a good purchase, so I’m spending my time studying the bones at home. Unfortunately, my desk now looks like a forensic scene…
My animals were just cracking me up with their reactions to these things…
Lunch was a salad from Fresh and Easy (we’re not going to talk about the food poisoning last week, nope)
Apples, grilled chicken, balsamic vinaigrette, cranberries and mandarin oranges…Yum!
Last night was a hearty round of Mega-Fit…I’m starting to feel better about the class, there’s no longer the trudging-uphill-sad-pokey-face Holly that mopes her way into the gym, and I’m starting to rely on that positive energy to drive me in the class. It’s not fun if you don’t want to be there. (I STILL hate jumprope!) I’m starting to get my weekly routine down, Mondays are Kickboxing, Tuesdays –Megafit (Mostly circuit workouts and weight-training), Wednesdays-Walk/Jog, and Saturday/Sunday mornings consist of Kickboxing again. Now, if we can just weed out these holidays, lazy days, sick days and vacations, then I can really start getting into it and STAY focused!
No more excuses! (And BY the way, if you’re going to eat an ENTIRE bag of low-sodium potato chips on Labor Day weekend, make sure to NOT complain during class on Tuesday. The end.
Interesting facts I learned today from Anatomy…There is no such thing as Cellulite, and no cream can penetrate the dermis enough to remove it. Cellulite creams=scam! (This is coming from my professor, who was a surgeon before she decided to get a second Doctorate and teach Anatomy). There is only one type of adipose in your body, cellulite is just adipose. Also, you can not “target-exercise” fat away. You lose fat by body percentage, not by area. You might target workouts to gain muscle in that area, but the fat will be most noticeably lost in your face first.
Who would have known? This is what I get for paying attention in class.
So coming back around to last night, I made this simple and inexpensive dish last night and it came out pretty good! Greek Turkey Meatballs,
Here is the recipe:
The recipe was awesome! I found it on Pinterest, but it came off of Skinny Taste. I think I might be frequenting the site often!
Besides all that, here is an update pic!
(Note: I can’t stand these mirror-pics, but I had no other way at the time)
After losing all of that water-weight the first few weeks, I plateaued at 147, meaning with the right diet, I can start really burning fat and gaining muscle mass. This week I’m going to really invest in some vitamins and protein powder, and figure out a meal plan. If I can nail down a grocery list and a meal plan, I’ll post it here, because going to the grocery store four times a week (like we’ve been doing) can get expensive!
So that’s my spaz-post for today!
<3 Hojo
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